A Poor Guy's Local PHP Apm
I’ve seen the benefits of instrumenting code for a very long time: with PHP, Go, Frontend Javascript, and more recently, NodeJS.
When you have access to a full APM solution like I do at work (Newrelic), or on the side (with Elastic APM), it becomes easy to see at a glance not only what transactions (API calls, queued jobs, asynchronous processes, etc) are taking a long time, but also why.
I ran into a situation where one of my first projects experienced a bottleneck with slow page loads. In Newrelic Lite (the free forever plan), I could tell that on average, we were making select queries on a table over a 100 times per page load on average. Most of this code was written in 2010 (my excuse, although not a very good one), and at a glance it wasn’t easy to tell where exactly the problem was, although I knew what it was: ORM lazy loading in a loop.
Upgrading to the a pricier version of Newrelic was not an option. I had a local version of the application working with docker-compose: was there perhaps a solution I could run locally, while pinpointing the exact problem? There had to be.
I tried:
- XDebug. The holy grail. Grind viewers were less than helpful getting an exact call sequence. Not fun.
- PHP APM (https://pecl.php.net/package/APM). This hasn’t been updated since 2017, fails to build on PHP 7.3, and I experienced random application crashes on 7.2.
- Pinpoint APM (https://naver.github.io/pinpoint/). Let’s just say there was a lot of headscratching, especially around the install. I sort of got it working, but didn’t get any useful data. Also, more random crashes.
I tried other APM solutions, most of them Saas, but the hurdle was either installing them, the signup/activation process, or the knowledge that I wouldn’t be able to reliable diagnose another problem after the trials ran out.
But wait. I’d done some work with OpenTracing and OpenCensus before. Could I…?
I modified my Dockerfile very simply:
FROM php:7.3-apache
# Everything else
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y zlib1g-dev libzip-dev zip unzip && \
docker-php-ext-install iconv bcmath zip mysqli opcache pdo pdo_mysql && \
echo "done!"
# OpenCensus
RUN curl -L https://github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-php/archive/master.zip -o opencensus.zip && unzip opencensus.zip
RUN (cd opencensus-php-*/ext && phpize && ./configure --enable-opencensus && make && make test && make install)
RUN docker-php-ext-enable opencensus
I added both opencensus/opencensus
and opencensus/opencensus-exporter-zipkin
(for Jaeger) to composer. I didn’t use opencensus/opencensus-exporter-jaeger
at the time due to this issue.
composer require --dev 'opencensus/opencensus:^0.5.2' 'opencensus/opencensus-exporter-zipkin:^0.1.0'
Followed by changing my docker-compose.yml:
version: '3.6'
build: .
- db
- '7999:80'
- '80'
- .:/var/www/html
- DB_HOST=db
- DB_NAME=appdb
- DB_USER=root
- DB_PASS=phpapptest
- DB_PORT=3306
image: 'mariadb:10'
- '3360:3306'
- ./build/phpunit_database.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/db.sql
- ./docker/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
image: jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest
- 9400:16686
- 9414:9411
- 5775/udp
- 6831/udp
- 6832/udp
- 5778
- 16686
- 14268
- 9411
With that, I had the Jaeger endpoint running at http://localhost:9400
In my application entry point, right after including vendor/autoload.php
, I added the below:
There’s some gore in there because we’re in the middle of replacing Kohana Koseven with Laravel.
use OpenCensus\Trace\Span;
use OpenCensus\Trace\Tracer;
use OpenCensus\Trace\Exporter\ZipkinExporter;
if (extension_loaded('opencensus')) {
// Inbuilt instrumentation
// Other
opencensus_trace_method(trim(PageManager::class, '\\'), '__construct', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), '__construct'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(PageManager::class, 'get', function($scope, $id){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'get'),
'attributes' => compact('id'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(PageManager::class, 'init', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'init'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(PageManager::class, 'top', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'top'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(PageManager::class, 'topMenu', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'topMenu'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
// Views
opencensus_trace_method(Kohana_View::class, 'factory', function($scope, $file){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'find_all'),
'attributes' => array_map('strval', compact('file')),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(Kohana_View::class, 'render', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'render'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
// Database and ORM
opencensus_trace_method(Kohana_ORM::class, 'find_all', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'find_all'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(Kohana_ORM::class, 'find', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'find'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
$databaseClasses = [Kohana_Database::class, Kohana_Database_MySQLi::class, Database_CMySQLi::class];
foreach ($databaseClasses as $databaseClass) {
opencensus_trace_method($databaseClass, 'query', function($scope, $type, $sql){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'query'),
'attributes' => ['query' => $sql],
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method($databaseClass, 'begin', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'begin'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method($databaseClass, 'commit', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'commit'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method($databaseClass, 'rollback', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'rollback'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
// Controllers
$controllerClasses = [Kohana_Controller::class, Controller::class, Base_Controller::class];
foreach ($controllerClasses as $controllerClass) {
opencensus_trace_method($controllerClass, '__construct', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), '__construct'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method($controllerClass, 'before', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'before'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method($controllerClass, 'after', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'after'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method($controllerClass, 'execute', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'execute'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(Controller_Page::class, 'setup', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'setup'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
// Request execution and responses
opencensus_trace_method(Kohana_Request::class, 'execute', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'execute'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(Kohana_Request_Client::class, 'execute', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'execute'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(Kohana_Request_Client::class, 'execute_request', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'execute_request'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(Kohana_Request::class, 'process', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'process'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(Kohana_Response::class, 'body', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'body'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(Kohana_Response::class, 'send_headers', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'send_headers'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
// Routing
opencensus_trace_method(Kohana_Route::class, 'set', function($scope, $name){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'name'),
'attributes' => array_map('strval', compact('name')),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(Kohana_Route::class, 'cache', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'cache'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
// Laravel
opencensus_trace_method(\CongreGATEv7\Models\User::class, 'findForPassport', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'findForPassport'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(\CongreGATEv7\Models\User::class, 'validateForPassportPasswordGrant', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'validateForPassportPasswordGrant'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(\CongreGATEv7\Models\User::class, 'getAuthIdentifierName', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'getAuthIdentifierName'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(\Illuminate\Auth\EloquentUserProvider::class, 'retrieveById', function($scope, $identifier){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'retrieveById'),
'attributes' => array_map('strval', compact('identifier')),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(\Illuminate\Auth\EloquentUserProvider::class, 'retrieveByToken', function($scope, $identifier, $token){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'retrieveByToken'),
'attributes' => array_map('strval', compact('identifier', 'token')),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(\Illuminate\Auth\EloquentUserProvider::class, 'updateRememberToken', function($scope, $user, $token){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'updateRememberToken'),
'attributes' => array_map('strval', compact( 'token')),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(\Illuminate\Auth\EloquentUserProvider::class, 'retrieveByCredentials', function($scope, $user, $token){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'retrieveByCredentials'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
opencensus_trace_method(\Illuminate\Auth\EloquentUserProvider::class, 'validateCredentials', function($scope){
return [
'name' => sprintf('%s::%s', get_class($scope), 'validateCredentials'),
'kind' => Span::KIND_CLIENT,
Tracer::start(new ZipkinExporter('congregate', 'http://opencensus:9411/api/v2/spans'));
For a case where I needed a stacktrace (calling debug_backtrace()
or debug_print_backtrace()
inside one of the scoped lambda functions above WILL crash the application), I had to do something this ugly:
public function find_all()
if (extension_loaded('opencensus')) {
$trace = ob_get_clean();
return Tracer::inSpan([
'name' => 'Model_Page::find_all.instrumented',
'attributes' => [
'trace' => $trace,
], function() {
return parent::find_all();
return parent::find_all();
A couple days ago, I was told calendar feeds were loading very slowly. All I had to do was look in Newrelic:
Not good. Given these relationships:
(belongsTo) EventCategory
(hasMany) EventUnavailabilities
on average we were querying for events 20 times, categories 57 times, unavailabilities (time ranges to exclude events) 359 times, and members and families for birthdays and anniversaries on the member calendar roughly 15-20 times on average. NOT GOOD.
Looking locally, I saw this which has a whopping 678 spans:
A quick rewrite later, by prefetching, I got this:
322 spans, which looks much saner.
Even Newrelic agrees:
And that, friends, is one way to run a local APM for PHP.